Read, J. Sargeant, C., & Wright, S. (2020). What beliefs influence children and young people’s attitudes towards the transgender population? Educational and Child Psychology, 37, 11-36.
Sargeant, C., Wright, S., Read, J., McGowan, A., Markland, B., & Russell, K. (2020, November 11). DEdPsych Gender Research Symposium. The true meaning of gender diversity. Association of Educational Psychologists Conference. Online.
Read, J. Wright, S., & Sargeant, C. (2019, July). What are adolescent attitudes towards the transgender population? Presentation. Department of Psychology Post-Graduate Conference, University of Southampton.
Sargeant, C., & Read, J. (2019, April). A New Philosophy of Gender. Presentation. Gender Diversity: What do EPs need to know and what can they do? Leading Edge Day, University College London.